
Arte que se ouve: "The Truth" de India Arie

Estava indecisa sobre que música e intérprete colocar aqui hoje. De repente lembrei-me de tantos mas, não há-de faltar tempo e oportunidade de referi-los a todos.

Acabei por optar pelo tema "The Truth" de India Arie. India Arie é uma talentosa intérprete e compositora dos géneros R&B, American Soul e Neo Soul. É igualmente produtora, guitarrista e flautista.

O que mais me agrada nesta senhora não é só o seu talento, mas o facto de utilizar a sua arte para se envolver em questões sociais, seja para ajudar as vítimas do furacões Katrina e Rita, seja para colaborar com Oprah Winfrey na escola que esta última abriu para meninas na África do Sul.

Espanta-me por esta artista não ser mais conhecida, pois tem um enorme talento, as suas músicas são lindas, assim como a sua voz.

Para representar India Arie escolho o tema "The Truth" do albúm "Voyage to India" de 2002. Vejam o videoclip e prestem atenção à letra. Automaticamente irão perceber porque escolhi esta canção. Fala de Amor, de reconhecer aquele que amamos com as suas qualidades e defeitos, ver essa pessoa como reflexo de nós próprios, sentir que é a nossa metade que amamos de forma Incondicional.

Spoken : Let me tell you why I love him

Chorus:Cause he is the truth

Said he is so real

And I love the way that he makes me feel

And if I am a reflection of him then I must be fly because

His light it shines so bright

I wouldn't lie no

Verse 1:I remember the very first day that I saw him

I found myself immediately intrigued by him

It's almost like I knew this man from another life

Like back then maybe I was his husband maybe he was my wife

And even,things I don't like about him are fine with me

Cause it's not hard for me to understand him cause he's so much like me

And it's truly my pleasure to share his company

And I know that it's God's gift to breathe

The air he breathes

Chorus:Cause he is the truth

Said he is so real

And I love the way that he makes me feel

And if I am a reflection of him then I must be fly because

His light it shines so bright

I wouldn't lie (no)ohhhhhhhhh!

Verse 2:How can the same man that makes me so mad

Do you know what he did-(Spoken)

Turn right around and kiss me so soft

Girl do you know what he did-(Spoken)

If he ever left me I wouldn't even be sad no

Cause there's a blessin' in every lesson

And I'm glad that I knew him at all

Chrous:Cause he is the truth

Said he is so real

And I love the way that he makes me feel

And if I am a reflection of him then I must be fly because

His light it shines so bright no

Bridge, Break-down, & Ending :

I love the way he speaks

I love the way he thinks

I love the way that he treats his mama

I love that gap in between his teeth

I love him in every way that a woman can love a man

From personal to universal but most of all

It's unconditional

You know what I'm talking about-(Spoken)

That's the way I feel

And I always will-(Spoken)

There ain't no substitute for the truth

Either it is or isn't (Cause he is the truth)

You see the truth it needs no proof

Either it is or it isn't (Cause he is the truth)

Now you know the truth by the way it feels

And if I am a reflection of him then I must be fly

Because he is, yes he is

I wonder does he know -Echoes

India Arie no Myspace: http://www.myspace.com/indiaarie

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